Controlling Pests without Harming the Environment

When it comes to controlling pests without harming the environment, there are a number of options available. Planting herbs such as mint, basil, lavender, and rosemary in your garden can help keep pests away and can also be used indoors. Old school methods such as sweeping away individual insects and nests, and cutting off their air supply by placing them in vacuum-sealed bags are also recommended. Non-toxic baits such as mousetraps, flask traps, and pheromone traps can be used to control pests.

Physical barriers such as nets over small fruits and protecting greenhouses can prevent the appearance of insects that cause crop loss, while mulch can inhibit the germination of weeds underneath desirable plants. Biological controls involve the conservation or release of natural enemies (biological control agents) to prevent the increase of certain pests. Beneficial mites that feed on mite pests in orchards, parasitic nematodes that kill harmful soil larvae, and Encarsia formosa, a wasp that parasitizes the whitefly in the greenhouse are some examples of biological control agents. Developing shelters by establishing areas of flowering plants and shrubs to provide nectar, alternative hosts, and shelter can help conserve these natural enemies of the pest.

The choice and timing of use of these tactics are based on the biology and behavior of the pest, the limitations imposed on the area in which the pest occurs, the tolerance to injuries, the economy and the impacts of the control measures themselves. Preventing the introduction of pests in the first place, scheduling activities at an optimal time, rotating crops, using mechanical control techniques and even encouraging the appearance of natural enemies of pests are some approaches to controlling pests. If you don't want to take care of it yourself, you can always go to an expert in termite control treatment. The first step is to know the pests you have and the options available to control specific pests. Remember that there are often safer, non-chemical methods of control that will solve your problem.