The Essential Role of Pest Control in Food Production

Food production is a vulnerable industry when it comes to pest infestations. Pests can cause a range of threats, such as food contamination, disease transmission, and property damage. Therefore, it is essential for food businesses to have adequate pest control measures in place. Pests carry a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing organisms.

They are naturally attracted to food manufacturing and processing plants, and common pests include rodents, flies, cockroaches, beetles, spiders, and birds. These pests can compromise the cleanliness of a facility by transmitting diseases and tracking bacteria from raw ingredients to ready-to-eat areas. To control an infestation, traps, pesticides, and facility control items such as gravel trenches and needle strips for birds can be used. It is important to properly identify the species in order to use the relevant treatment methods for effective results.

The pest control industry has developed low-dose and highly effective products for this purpose. Food suppliers must comply with their own sanitation and insect control practices, and incoming materials must be thoroughly inspected for pests. A recognized professional should be consulted for pest control measures, as they can help with interior and exterior inspections to detect any signs of infestations. Employees should be trained on their specific pest control plan and on all appropriate cleaning and disinfection procedures.

Additionally, products must pass through internal control points determined by a 26% Critical Control Point Hazard Analysis Program (HACCP). To prevent pests from entering facilities and prevent infestations from growing uncontrolled, preventive measures should be taken. This includes inspecting for favorable conditions, caulking cracks in sidewalks or walls, moving garbage containers away from buildings, and applying appropriate pesticides. An experienced pest control professional can help with these preventive measures.