Is Pest Control Safe Around Kids? A Professional's Guide

Pesticides have the potential to be incredibly harmful, especially for babies and toddlers. This is because younger children are more likely to be exposed to chemicals due to their tendency to spend more time at ground level, touching surfaces that adults would usually avoid. Children are particularly vulnerable to the damage caused by pesticides, as their bodies and immune systems are still developing. Moreover, they are more likely to be exposed to pesticides if they crawl on the floor and put their hands and other objects in their mouths. Professional pest control is much safer than home methods, such as using DE (diatomaceous earth), vinegar, or bleach.

While DIY methods may be touted as being healthier and less aggressive, they are often ineffective and can introduce lung irritants into the living space. On the other hand, credentialed professionals know how to use minimal amounts of chemicals to safely attack pests. So, is pest control safe when there are children and pets around? It should be, but you should still take safety measures to avoid unnecessary exposure. All pesticides have some level of toxicity and pose some risk to infants and children. Unfortunately, many people simply buy the first pest control chemical they see, regardless of the pets and children they have at home. Environmentally responsible pest control by a trained professional focuses on the right pests, which results in the use of fewer chemicals overall.

This saves time and money, so it's best to call a pest control professional instead of addressing the problem yourself. Even if you think you can deal with pests on your own with the wide availability of treatment options for pest control, it's a good idea to have an experienced professional do it. For example, if you're not sure if you have carpenter ants or termites, ask your local extension service or an exterminator for help identifying the pest. Integrated pest management is a pest control strategy that uses a combination of methods to prevent and eliminate pests in the most effective and least dangerous way. Everyone should wash their hands during and after the pest control treatment.

After treatment is finished, ask everyone, especially children, to wash their hands before resuming normal daily activities. Rather than testing your luck with homemade methods you've read about on the Internet, take advantage of the knowledge and experience of a pest professional who uses environmentally friendly pest control methods that are much safer for you and your family. Pest control experts, such as Home Pest Control technicians, have studied the habits and life cycles of pests specific to the areas they serve, allowing them to attack pests with the right chemicals while leaving most of their home and property intact. Over-the-counter pest control products are often advertised as being more effective than DIY methods. However, it's important to compare pesticides and choose the one that is considered least toxic. You can do your own research or ask a trusted pest control company for advice.